Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sinus Headache

Sinus Headache Picture

Sinus headache is headache that occur along with inflammation of the mucous membrane disease, a condition where the lining of the mucous membrane becomes swollen and inflamed. You will experience the pressure around the eyes, cheeks and head of the front. 

Your head would throb. While this may be indicated sinus headache, do not be hasty in making conclusions. Many people assume they have sinus headaches but they actually have migraines or headache due to tension.


Sinus headache have signs and symptoms as follows:
• Pain and a sense of pressure on the cheeks, eyebrows or head of the front. 
• Pain that worsens when bending or lying down.
• Exit the green-yellow phlegm or blood-colored 
• sore throat 
• Fever 
• Coughing 
• Tired 
• The feeling soreness on the upper teeth

Sinus headache or migraine? 
It is important to note that it will probably get confused to differentiate between migraine and sinus headaches. Research shows that 90 percent of those with sinus headaches actually had migraines 

Just like a sinus headache, pain in migraine seirng worse when you bend forward, and migraines can be accompanied by several signs and symptoms in the nose - including heavy breathing, pressure on the face, and discharge of mucus in the nose. 

Sinus headaches are however not related to feelings of nausea or vomiting, or make sense of irritation in the nose or rays of light - a common symptom in migraine.



Sinus headache are accompanied by sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane), a condition in which a layer of mucos membranes become swollen and inflamed. Inflammation of the mucous membrane can be caused by colds, bacterial or fungal infections, disorders of the immune system or structural problems in the sinus cavity hidung.Hasilnya pressure can trigger a headache.

Risk Factors 

Sinusitis can strike anyone. You may be more likely to be exposed if you have: 
• Asthma
• Polyps
• Allergy to dust or pollen 
• Have a weak immune system 
• Conditions that result in road mucus in the respiratory system, such as cystic fibrosis 
• Exposure to cigarette smoke 


To reduce the risk of sinusitis, keep your mucous membranes healthy. 
• Frequent hand washing. Soap and water can help you avoid upper respiratory infections that can mengifeksi you and cause sinusitis. 

• Avoid things that interfere. Avoid cigarettes, cigars and pipe tobacco. That's all, and other air pollutants can cause your sinus membranes to swell. 

• Use a humidifier. Adding a humidifier in a dry indoor air can help prevent sinusitis - but not too excessive. High humidity can trigger the growth of fungi and small creatures your home. Make sure the humidifier is clean and guard remained free from mildew.


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