Friday, April 22, 2011

Easy Ways to Avoid Headaches Before Menstrual Coming

Many women suffer from headaches every month because of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or syndrome before menstruation. This condition usually occurs 5-11 days before the coming months.

This syndrome is not only physical symptoms but also emotional. Headaches that arise can also be accompanied by a feeling sensitive. So, make the headache feel worse than usual.

To overcome this, there are four ways you can do, as quoted by Shine:

Consider Food
What you eat can affect the long-time PMS headaches. Some foods known to trigger headaches became more severe. If you often experience severe headaches before menstruation, should avoid

Eat Chocolate Bars
Reduce alcohol consumption and also nuts because it can also create headaches.Consumption of foods containing less salt to maintain the level of sodium in the body remains in a low state. This can reduce the risk of headaches.

Avoid Caffeine 
Only by drinking less coffee, actually can trigger headaches as PMS. To that note caffeine consumption before the coming months. You can avoid or at least reduce consumption to avoid caffeine headaches when PMS.

Consumption of Supplements 
If you suffer from headaches as PMS every month, consider taking supplements. Many are recommended to consume calcium supplements. Vitamin B6 is also good to help overcome PMS headaches.

Cold Therapy 
Sometimes, the best way to relieve headaches because STD is to cold therapy. Quite easily done. Attach a soft cloth that has been moistened with cold water on the forehead. Let stand for 15 minutes. Close your eyes and keep your body relaxed.


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