Monday, April 25, 2011

How to Cures Headaches without Medicine

How to Cures Headaches without Medicine Picture
Some types of treatment such nonfarmasi physical exercise, relaxation exercises, and acupuncture can provide long-term cure to the type of tension headache sufferers veins (tension type headaches).

Discontinuance of analgesics important as the first step of therapy for muscle tension headaches because of the frequent use of painkillers can actually cause headaches become chronic. 

Once Dr. Elisabeth Soderberg with the team from Sahlgrenska Academy, Goteborg University, Sweden, report research results in the journal Cephalalgia.
In the study, the research team randomly ask 90 patients who on average have seven years experience muscle tension headaches, to undergo exercise training, relaxation training, or acupuncture. Researchers to categorize chronic muscle tension headaches if the pain lasts at least 15 days a month and lasted six months in a row. 

During the four weeks prior to treatment, the patients were assigned to record the characteristics of the headaches they experienced. The recording was continued for four weeks to undergo training and continue until three and six months after treatment. 

The use of acupuncture conducted at the points recommended using 10 to 12 needles, 30 minutes per week, for 10 to 12 weeks. Exercise directed at the shoulder muscles and neck, each for 100 times, and coupled with a pedaling ergonomics bicycle and stretching. 

While the relaxation exercises include breathing exercises, stress control techniques, as well as how to relax during activity and in everyday life. 

The result, compared to the previous treatment, acupuncture and relaxation exercises significantly reduced headache intensity up to three to six months. While physical exercise reduces the intensity and even relieve headaches some patients up to six months. Soderberg and the team says, the best results can be obtained with a combination of all three techniques.


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