Sunday, April 24, 2011

10 Tips to Reduce Headaches

10 Tips to Reduce Headaches Picture
Sometimes a mild headache can occur in most of us, but persistent headache is serious and you should consult with a physician expert. Here are 10 tips to reduce the risk of headaches.

Identify the Triggers
Make a kind of diary (daily record) your headache, by recording what you ate that day, the weather was like, where you are and so on, to identify patterns. Once you managed to find the trigger, you can take preventive measures.

Relieve Stress
To eliminate stress completely is almost impossible, but to reduce it is very possible. Learn about biofeedback. Listen to music that gives you the tranquility, take a rather long time bathing and massage. All this is possible to reduce the effects of stress on your body.

Stop Smoking 
Smoking is one risk factor for several types of headaches. Even for some people, breathing in secondhand smoke can trigger a headache.

Avoid Consuming too Many OTC (Over the Counter)
If you're taking the maximum dose of medication-free pain reliever for your headaches more than 2 or 3 times a week, you should consult with a physician.

Limit Alcohol

If you drink beverages containing alcohol, should only slightly and only on certain occasions. In some particular person, beer and red wine can trigger a headache.

Sleep on a Regular Basis
Getting used to go to bed and wake up with a regular and at the same time / equipment, including on weekends these days, it is important for migraine sufferers. Most sleep is also a trigger of migraine headaches, as well as fatigue (fatigue).

Eat Regularly
In certain people, do not eat can also cause headaches. Food diet rich in carbohydrates and low in fat, and drink plenty of water to keep hydrated needs, is essential.

Regular Exercise
Walking or relaxing with a favorite dog park the car a bit far at the mall so you can walk leisurely, can help you reduce stress. If you are not used directly to do with aerobic and hard without first heating, can cause headaches.

Check Eyes
Staring at a computer screen all day can cause strain on the eyes, which will cause tension-type headache.

Sitting upright
Phone clamped to his shoulder, carrying a bag and car seat positions to cause tension or stiffness in the neck and shoulder muscles, causing a tension-type headache.


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