Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How to Reduce Headaches without Medicine

How to Reduce Headaches without Medicine Picture
Everybody must have felt a headaches. Perhaps most people, if they feel the headaches will take a particular headaches relief medication. However, most drug use substance headaches pain reliever (analgesic nature) that suppress the central nervous system (brain). Not to mention there are certain effects after taking the drug, eg, drowsiness, heart palpitations, or even nausea. Below there are alternatives to relieve headaches without drugs.

1. Sleep
Rest the body for a moment we can make our muscles and nerves that used to relax tense back. Sleep can relieve headaches and can refresh your body when you wake up again. But the opposite, in fact sleeping too long will cause headaches.

2. Tea
Drinking tea, especially black tea will help relieve headaches. This is because there are certain substances in tea that is soothing.

3. Consuming Foods and Beverages
Headaches can be caused because we consume less food, particularly those containing iron. Iron-deficient people usually tend to be weak and dizzy. Eating your greens is one solution. In addition, dehydration can also bring headaches. Many-many are drinking water.

4. Breathing Fresh Air
Breathing fresh air was free to make us more able to relieve headaches due to stress. Try an occasional breath of fresh air for pressure headaches due to stress can be reduced.

5. Use a Damp Cloth
Try my friend at the time of headache, lie down and compressed my friend's forehead with a damp cloth, like the fever. This will give cool effects into our heads and can relieve headaches.  
That's five ways to relieve headaches naturally without drugs. Better we should not rely on drugs. Choose the natural way, because everywhere remains the best natural way.


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