Thursday, April 28, 2011

What is a Headache

What is a Headache Picture
Headache that is medically known as cephalalgia or pronounced cephalgia is a condition in the presence of pain in the head (sometimes pain in the back of the neck or upper back, also known as a headache) These diseases included in the complaints that the disease is often expressed. 

One type of headache that also many complaints are headaches or migraines. Migraine headache attacks seemed more tortured and sometimes came suddenly. Migraine sufferer will feel pain and throbbing like a beaten and pulled and is usually accompanied by gastrointestinal disturbances such as nausea and vomiting. Sufferers also tend to be more sensitive to light, sounds and smells. This is certainly very disturbing and can inhibit all activities of the patient. 

The word of migraine comes from the Greek, that is hemicrania (hemi = half, Cranium = skull). Migraine headache attacks can occur several times a year to several times a week, with attacks usually 1-2 hours. Or migraine headaches actually have not known for certain causes. However, the expected type of headache is caused by the hyperactivity of the brain electrical impulses that increase blood flow in the brain resulting in brain blood vessel dilation and inflammation (wound inflammation). 

In general terms, the headache is a pain that occurs in the head. According to the terminology of anatomy - physiology, headache is the pain caused by nerve fibers stimulate with sensitive to pain, called nosiseptor, which spread across the scalp, face and on the surface and the inside of the brain. 90% of cases occurring headaches caused by stress and tension. 

Most cases are easily diagnosed with a headache, because it generally has the typical symptoms and establish a clear pattern. However, if the standard treatment of headache can not be resolved, then the patient should be referred to a specialist


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