Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Identify Four Types of Headaches

Headaches can happen to anyone, anytime and anywhere, and including a complaint that is often experienced. The causes of headaches are various kinds, starting from movement of jaw, migraines, low blood up to stress. 

Identify the four types of headaches that often bother you. 

1. Movement of Jaw
Type headaches are most common, is not centered on your head, but the jaw (into the mouth). Headaches can be felt throughout the day, but most felt in the morning after the night of each tooth pushed. Many people don't realize their teeth during sleep to keep moving and push each other. This is the causes of headaches. 

"Most patients don't realize that they can consult a dentist who provides care occlusion (tooth surface changes) to treat headaches," said Colleen Olitsky, DDS, a dentist in New York as quoted from WomansDay.com 

2. Migraine
Triggers of migraine is still unclear. Sometimes the headaches are accompanied by vomiting, blurred vision, and sensitive to light. Patients with migraines often advisable to perform treatments such as acupuncture, practicing relaxation techniques (meditation, slow breathing, or yoga). You can also take vitamin B12 and magnesium supplements. 

3. Due to Excessive Drug Consumption 
Do you taking medication to relieve headaches? It's good but don't be excessive. Health experts have warned about a new type of headaches is more common, especially among people who are experiencing severe headaches, called Medication Overuse Headaches (MOH). It happens if you take medication for headaches but it came back and more severe headaches. 

4. Sine 
Both are caused by sinus infection or seasonal allergies, sinus headaches are often considered to have the deepest pain, especially in the forehead, cheekbones, nose, or bone. Sinus headaches are usually more felt if there is head movement suddenly (such as bending over to pick something from the ground), when it does shift the mucus and pressure in your sinus cavity. 

To overcome this usually doctors give decongestants or antihistamines to combat the symptoms of headaches.


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