Sunday, April 24, 2011

About Headache in Children

About Headache in Children Picture
If we think about the headaches, we must grow up thinking that people who suffer from frequent headaches. However, a survey provides startling facts, it turns on the child's headache, headache also occur frequently in adults. Startling facts were found after 30% of children surveyed was experiencing headaches. Unfortunately no one knows what causes these headache in children.

Apparently there are many reasons why a child may develop a headache. One thing to consider is family health history. Usually the disease found in previous generations relegated to the next generation and beyond. So there is the possibility of a child stricken with a headache due to heredity factors. This is especially true in young women because the majority of people who suffer from headaches are women.

Other reasons headache in children are due to injury in the head. If a child has suffered injury, you should take the child to the pediatrician for a consultation. This is very important that children get appropriate treatment. Often ignores treatment or consult a doctor after the child suffered a head injury makes the child's headache worse.

In addition to hereditary factors and injury, headache in children can also be caused by the environment and allergies. Sometimes change can cause headaches neighborhood. These changes can include changes in weather, light, smell, dehydration, sleep deprivation, and the sound is too loud. The stress of school work or family problems can also be a reason for headache in children. Spend time with children to discuss the problems that it faces everyday. 

Sometimes children feel tense with trivial things that can be solved by discussion. Make sure your child does not have food allergies because it can cause headaches. This can be caused if there is taste in foods such as MSG and caffeine found in chocolate and soft drinks.


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