Sunday, April 24, 2011

8 Natural Remedies for Headaches

8 Natural Remedies for Headaches
Headaches can indeed come anytime too diverse too trigger. In the meantime, migraine headaches are the most widely used is aspirin and ibuprofen. For those who prefer to use natural materials, materials try a natural remedy for headaches below: 

- Mint tea or peppermint water enough to help cope with headaches. 

- Add lemon juice into a glass of water or tea to relieve headaches. Aromatherapy from orange peel is crushed and then pasted on the forehead or temples can also cope with headaches. 

- Drink water. Sometimes headaches come because of symptoms of dehydration. Drink lots of water to meet the needs of the body, can relieve these headaches. Select normal or warm water because the water ice could even add a headache. 

- Headaches can be triggered by lack of vitamins or certain food allergies. Good eating habits and identify what foods give you a headache to avoid such interference. 

- Perform breathing in and breathing fresh air to relieve headaches. 

- Lack of sleep can also cause headaches. Especially if you work all day who make the eyes strained, easily trigger a headache. So try a short break. 

- For those of you who like to drink coffee, tea, or soda, may experience headaches due to caffeine content in it. It's okay to still drink craze, but choose the type of decaf. 

- Headaches easily occur due to tension or stress. If you're experiencing this, let the body relax. Able to perform massage in the neck, shoulders, temples, or arms


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