Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alternative Natural Remedies for Headaches

Alternative Natural Remedies for Headaches Picture
Headache is a common complaint experienced by many people. Typically, patients drank directly migraine headaches. Actually (before you take the drug) there are some natural ways you can do to cope with headaches. 

Too often taking the drug at risk of headache caused other health problems later in life. In fact, headache triggers can be things we do or experience of everyday life, such as sitting too long at the computer, too long sitting under AC, nervous tension, stress or the body is too tired. 

For that, you can try first aid following natural:

1. Compressed forehead and the back of the neck or in part that feels pain with warm cloth. Warmth will spread and help to relax the tension.

2. Perform massage in the palm of your hand, especially in the central part between the index finger and thumb.

3. Reduce consumption of caffeine such as tea and coffee because caffeine is one of the triggers of headaches.

4. Sometimes a headache is an indication you are dehydrated. For that, try to always drink plenty of water, at least eight glasses a day. Drinking warm water can also help reduce the pain of attack.

5. Drink a dietary supplement if you experience frequent headaches, for example, supplements containing calcium and magnesium because they can help reduce muscle tension.

6. Change the way you sit at work or while sitting at the computer. Back position which is too low can cause pain in other parts such as neck and shoulder muscles are strained and possible headaches.

7. Meditate. This activity is believed to help overcome the tension of muscles and nerves so that any head pain can be controlled. It takes practice to master periodically for good meditation techniques.

8. Soak in warm water using a soothing fragrance such as chamomile and lavender, then use the same scented aromatherapy before bed who was also can reduce tension. 

If the headache persists you need to be alert to the possibility of more serious health problems. To be sure, consult with your personal physician.


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