Sunday, April 17, 2011

Six Causes of Headaches

Six Causes of Headaches Picture
Causes of headache attacks that you experience not only from the noise or the stress of work deadlines. There are several causes of headache attacks. You can avoid this by knowing what the cause.

1. Worry
When you feel anxious to the extreme, you will likely feel the headache.

2. Light Glare
Relax your eyes. The light is too blinding both from exposure to sunlight, cahay lamps, up to a TV or computer monitor cause pressure on your eye muscles, causing headaches.

3. Sleeping and Eating Patterns
Pay attention to when you should eat and when you should sleep. Skipping meals or fasting morning without preparation can cause you a headache. Especially for those who decide to not eat anything and sleep less or more than 7-9 hours per day. Your sleep patterns, including nap, very important.

4. Drugs
Some medications that you are doing could be a potential attack for you to get headaches. If you feel that you feel a headache as a side effect of treatment is very annoying, ask your doctor to change medication without or with less severe side effects.

5. Physical Activity
What a heavy physical exercise can make the muscles in the head, neck, scalp and even require more blood for circulation. This can make your blood vessels swell. This is called exertional headaches.

6. Hormone
For women who are experiencing the menstrual cycle, headaches and migraines are associated with levels of the hormone estrogen in the body. If the hormone estrogen in your body fluctuate, then the possibility of a headache attack will happen to you.


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